Re-Tune & Rock-On

Chakra Balancing

Using the incredible, natural energy of crystals to help you feel your best
physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

What is Crystal Therapy?

A crystal therapy session is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, clothing on, minimal contact therapy of placing crystals + stones on the body in relaxation.


The goal of a session may include realignment of your energetic frequencies and/or removal of any emotional/energetic blocks, while allowing for deep soul learning, healing, and spiritual growth

Energy Imbalances

Crystal therapy assists us in all areas since energetic imbalances can end up manifesting as physical ailments or emotional issues

Supports Good Health

Crystal therapy supports good health and energetic hygiene via physical and energetic crystal entrainment

“I have received crystal healings for myself, and my neurotic cat, and I cannot express my deep gratitude to Jasmine Starr for making such a difference in our lives.”

— Kelly McNeil & Iggy